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The Adventures of Snoop and the Professor: Chapter 33

Chapter 33: The Night the Lights Went Out. The other night the lights and the television went out in our home in Tallahassee. It was in the middle of some television show that Mom and the Professor were watching. Of course, I pay absolutely no attention to what is on television, unless I hear a doorbell ring. I was more concerned with hiding the extra treats that the Professor had given me after dinner. Anyway, the Professor immediately pontificated that more than likely one of the transformers blew. I had no idea what he was talking about as is the case most of the time when the Professor is trying to explain something.

Now, in my extraordinary Beagle mind, when the lights go out in our home; it means that it is time for bed. So, I immediately went to the bedroom and waited for Mom to help me get up on the foot of the bed so we could all go to sleep just as we always do every night. But, no, Mom didn’t follow me at all. In fact, neither did the Professor. After a few minutes, I went back into the living room to see what was going on. Something had to be wrong. The Professor and Mom were still in their new recliners talking to each other and laughing out loud. This seemed strange to me. As I looked around I could see that no lights at all were on, not even the little night light that the Professor keeps on while we all sleep. I pawed at the Professor’s recliner and he told me to stop. All I wanted to know was when we were going to bed. A Beagle’s sleep is extremely important you know.

After a few minutes, my eyes adjusted and I could see Mom and the Professor. Mom and the Professor had bought matching recliners that move up and down just by pressing a button. They were in the complete reclining position when the lights went out. That’s the position where they are laying back with their feet almost higher than their heads. This position puts them to sleep while they watch television. Don’t ask why they want to sleep while the television is on, but it happens every night. Anyway, I sensed that something was different tonight. Yes, I figured it out! They couldn’t get out of the recliners because the button wouldn’t move them back to the sitting-up position. In fact, Mom was rocking herself back and forth trying to get her recliner to tip forward toward the floor. It looked like she was in exercise class. The Professor was laughing out loud. Finally, Mom tipped the foot rest of the recliner forward to the floor and she was able to get out of the recliner. Then, she laughed at the Professor and said, “OK, Professor, let’s see you get out of that chair!” The professor couldn’t do it. He even tried to put his feet back over his head and roll out of the chair. That didn’t work and even this Beagle thought it was hilarious. Anyway, Mom finally helped the Professor get out of the chair. Both of them laughed and laughed. I wish all of you could have seen this. This Beagle only wishes he could have recorded Mom and the Professor getting out of the recliners and put it on Facebook. I would’ve received thousands of laughs!

So, Mom and the Professor lit candles all around our home. That made it easier to see and it was somehow very comforting. They sat down on the regular couch and I jumped up right between them. They talked and loved on me for about an hour. Wow, this is just what the Beagle ordered. Loving time with Mom and Dad. The lights came back on but Mom turned them all off and we stayed on the couch...loving each other. Just the way life is supposed to be…


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